
Step-by-step procedures required to solve a problem. An algorithm may be described in many ways. Flowcharts are often useful in visualising an algorithm.
algorithmic logic
A logic behind breaking down computing problems and information systems into step-by-step processes in order to solve problems or achieve specified outcomes. It involves sequencing and abstraction and leads to algorithmic statements.
A software application with a very specific or narrow purpose designed to run on mobile devices (such as smartphones or tablets) through a web browser or on a personal computer. The feature set of an app is limited when compared with a full-featured desktop application for a similar purpose. For example, a photo editing app has a smaller set of features than an industry-standard photographic suite.
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)
An early numeric code, later extended, used to represent 128 specific characters, including 0–9 and a–z, in computer systems. For example, capital A is represented by the binary code 0100 0001.
A use of two states or permissible values to represent data, such as ON and OFF positions of a light switch or transistors in a computer silicon chip that can be in either the electrical state of ON or OFF. Binary data are typically represented as a series of single digits referred to as binary digits (or bits) due to each taking on the value of either 0 or 1.
Making a decision between one of two or more actions depending on sets of conditions and the data provided.
Cloud computing
Distributing computing over a network where storage of files, processing of data and/or access to software occurs automatically on interconnected server computers to which the user’s device is connected. Typically, people use the term to refer to accessing files and software over the internet. For example, photo files may be stored in the Cloud from a smartphone to be accessed later from a different location; where they are actually stored can be anywhere in the world on a server computer used by the Cloud service.
A piece of software that encodes or decodes digital audio-visual material, usually to allow it to be stored or transmitted in a compressed format. For example, the MP3 format compresses audio data and requires an MP3 codec (usually available by default in audio programs) to be read and played by a computer. Codecs can be downloaded or purchased and installed as plug-ins to most applications to extend the media capabilities of software.
The process of writing computer software code.
The legal right to control all use of an original work, such as a book, play, movie, or piece of music, for a particular period of time.
May include characters (for example, alphabetic letters, numbers and symbols), images, sounds and/or instructions that can be manipulated, stored and communicated by digital systems.
A collection of data organised by records and fields that can be easily stored, accessed, managed and updated. Each discrete piece of data to be stored is represented by a field (for example, song title, song artist or bank account number, date of transaction); and values in the fields that are associated with an entity (for example, a song, a bank transaction) are a record. Interaction with a database usually takes place through a user interface designed specifically for the structure and use of the data stored in it.
Separate a complex problem into parts to allow a problem to be more easily understood.
design thinking
Use of strategies for understanding design problems and opportunities, visualising and generating creative and innovative ideas, and analysing and evaluating those ideas that best meet the criteria for success and planning.
desk checking
A method used by a human to check the logic of a computer program’s algorithm to reduce the likelihood of errors occurring. This may be done on paper, using a diagram, or mentally trying a sample of typical inputs to see what the outputs would be. For example, to desk check a branching statement {IF age >65 THEN ‘retire’ ELSE ‘keep working’}, the values for age of 64, 65 and 66 could be tried to show that 64 and 65 would result in ‘keep working’ and 66 in ‘retire’ so that it could be decided if the statement worked as intended.
digital citizenship
An acceptance and upholding of the norms of appropriate, responsible behaviour with regard to the use of digital technologies. This involves using digital technologies effectively and not misusing them to disadvantage others. Digital citizenship includes appropriate online etiquette, literacy in how digital technologies work and how to use them, an understanding of ethics and related law, knowing how to stay safe online, and advice on related health and safety issues such as predators and the permanence of data.
digital footprint
A total set of data left behind by a person using a digital system. A person’s digital footprint includes all information actively provided by that person such as interactions on social networks (for example, comments, photographs), online purchases, website logons, emails and instant messages. It also includes passive information such as logs of software installed and used on a computer, metadata associated with files, a user’s IP address, a device being used to access a webpage, and a user’s browsing history stored as cookies or by internet service providers.
digital piracy
The act of illegally copying a computer program, music, a film, etc. and selling it.
digital system
Digital hardware and software components (internal and external) used to transform data into a digital solution. When digital systems are connected, they form a network. For example:
  • A smartphone is a digital system that has software (apps, an operating system), input components (e.g. touch screen, keyboard, camera and microphone), output components (e.g. screen and speakers), memory components (e.g. silicon chips, solid state drives), communication components (e.g. SIM card, wifi, bluetooth or mobile network antennas), and a processor made up of one or more silicon chips.
  • A desktop computer with specific software and hardware components for dairy farming. The computer is connected via cables to milking equipment and via wifi to sensors that read tags on the cows. Through these hardware components the software records how much milk each cow provides. Such systems can also algorithmically control attaching milking equipment to each cow, providing feed and opening gates.
The electronic (e) selling of a product or service online or through other electronic means, with an online mechanism for payment. Examples include online shopping sites and travel websites where hotel accommodation and airline tickets can be purchased.
Moral principles – also known as right or wrong behaviour.
ethical protocols
Generally accepted ‘rules’ or behaviours when undertaking research and collecting and using information from primary and secondary sources; for example, confidentiality, informed consent, citation and integrity of data.
general-purpose programming languages
Programming languages in common use designed to solve a wide range of problems. They include procedural, functional and object-oriented programming languages, including scripting and/or dynamically typed languages. Examples of generalpurpose programming languages include C#, C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Ruby and Visual Basic. They do not include declarative programming languages such as Prolog or structured query language (SQL), or languages designed for solving domain-specific problems or for pedagogical reasons.
HTML (hypertext markup language)
One of the first coding systems (or languages) designed to be used for webpage files so that an internet browser can efficiently display a page and elements for that page such as text, links and media in the intended position. There are newer versions of this language and alternative markup languages.
IF statement
A conditional decision statement used to control the flow of a program.
intellectual property
A legal concept that refers to creations of a mind for which exclusive rights are recognised. Common types of intellectual property include copyright, trademarks, patents, designs and plant breeder’s rights.
Malicious software designed to interfere with the regular operation of a computer system. Often used to gain access to other people’s computers or to gather sensitive information, it is usually hidden in other software to avoid user detection. Examples can include viruses, Trojan horses, key loggers and spyware. Anti-malware software is often relied on to help users detect and remove malware from their computers.
The use of digital technologies to present combinations of text, graphics, video, animation and/or sound in an integrated way. Where there is facility for a user to interact with multimedia, the term ‘interactive multimedia’ may be used. Examples include interactive games, media-rich websites, electronic books (ebooks) and animated short films.
object-oriented programming language (OOP)
A programming language, where objects representa combination of data (the attributes of an object) and actions that can be performed on or with those data (the methods of the object). An example might be a declaration of a ‘car’, which has attributes that describe its physical nature (such as the number of doors, its colour, the size of the engine) and the actions it can perform (such as accelerating, braking and turning).
A serious type of copying where someone claims that another’s work is their own.
social sustainability
Practices that maintain quality of life for people, societies and cultures in a changing world for a long period of time, ensuring health and wellbeing without disproportionate costs or side effects.
structured English
The use of the English language to describe the steps of an algorithm in clear, unambiguous statements that can be read from start to finish.
web-authoring software
A computer program designed to assist in the creation of webpages. Simple web-authoring software may take a form of a basic text editor, or may contain more advanced features that allow for editing the content and layout of a webpage.