Eastwick Football Club

You are to assist the president of the Eastwick Football Club – the only football team in the country town of Eastwick (population 1755). Until now, he has managed the members’ (players and officials) details manually. It has become too time-consuming because many members have left the town recently, so the president has decided to computerise the details. You have been called in to help out!

A database with the following fields is required to record details about each member: First name, Last name, Address, Phone number, First joined, Club position, Payment per week, Membership paid, and Games played. After the data is entered, three reports are needed:

  • A data entry screen showing all the fields so that member details can be updated. Print this for one record only if your teacher requires you to.
  • A Column report showing First name, Last name, Address, Phone number, Position and First joined. This should be sorted in alphabetical order and then printed.
  • A Column report showing First name, Last name, Payment per week, Membership paid and Games played. Print two copies of this report:
    • one listing unpaid memberships
    • another showing how many players have played over 150 games (and hence become automatic life members of the club).

Collecting the data

Plan the field types that will be required and the different types of reports that will be needed. Create a field list diagram as shown in Exercise 1. The data for the club is at the end of this project.

Defining the solution

Draw thumbnail sketches of the data entry screen and the different reports that you will create. Include the headings and subheadings that will be required, the fonts and sizes that you intend to use, the width of the columns or fields, how the report will be sorted and any graphics that will used, etc. The following are examples of a data entry screen and a report.



Enter the fields and create the data entry screen. Enter the data shown below. Print the data entry screen for one record only. Create the necessary reports, sort them into the required order, carry out the required searches and print copies of the reports.

Evaluating, collaborating and managing

  1. What are the advantages in having the members’ details on computer rather than manually recorded details?
  2. How will the database make the operation of the Eastwick Football Club more:
    1. efficient?
    2. effective?
Paul Harrison 45 Main Street Eastwick 5557 0858 125368 1988 Treasurer Yes 197
Andrea Hall 306 Longley Court Eastwick 5557 0858 521236 2004 Trainer $50 Yes 0
Barry Martinez 6 Watson Street Westwick 5558 0858 623125 1976 Coach No 366
Laurie Stone 23 Hillview Road Southwick 5556 0858 521756 2013 Player $100 Yes 62
Ron Knowles 96 Rose Road Westwick 5558 0855 855275 1990 Supporter Yes 0
Peter Collins 51 Rovers Lane Northwick 5555 0858 963584 2009 Player $80 No 173
Rex Peters 75 Yallop Street Eastwick 5557 0858 714598 2014 Player No 68
Harry Alum 2 Jacobs Court Eastwick 5557 0858 458615 2011 Player $150 Yes 70
Paula Killop 11 Williams Road Southwick 5556 0885 428694 1991 Supporter No 0
Ozzie Giles 60 South Street Eastwick 5557 0858 652536 2008 Player Yes 295