7.3 Working with lists – sorting

The Sort feature is very useful when working with spreadsheets. A list can be sorted numerically and alphabetically.

Skills practised
  • New file
  • Sorting data
  • Saving a file
  1. Access the Inventory workbook downloaded from the link above.
  2. Enter a formula to calculate the VALUE column (i.e. COST multiplied by NO ON HAND).
  3. Enter a formula to calculate the retail price – it should be 50% more than the cost price (i.e. cost multiplied by 1.5).
  4. Click on any cell in the Supplier column then click on the SORT A TO Z button on the DATA tab to sort the list by supplier.
    For Google Sheets, click on DATA then SORT A TO Z.
  5. Click on any cell in the RETAIL PRICE column then click on the SORT ASCENDING button to sort by retail price from lowest price to highest price.
  6. Click on any cell in the table then click on SORT in the DATA ribbon and choose NAME. Google Sheets, does not have this feature – skip to step 10.
  7. Click on ADD LEVEL and click on SUPPLIER.
  8. Click on ADD LEVEL and click on RETAIL PRICE to sort by.
  9. Click on OK – your inventory list should appear the same as that shown below.
  10. Save the file and close.

Spreadsheets exercise 4

Spreadsheet lists

Skills practised
  • New file
  • Entering text
  • Sorting data
  • Saving a file
  1. Open the workbook Telephone sales downloaded from the link above.
  2. Sort the list by SALES – highest to lowest.
  3. Sort the list by SALESPERSON.
  4. Sort the list by MONTH then SALESPERSON then PRODUCT.
  5. Leave the file open for the next exercise or SAVE and CLOSE.