6.3 Saving files for the web

When placing images on a website, you want the image size to be as small as possible. Photoshop allows you to save the file in a format that has the highest quality at the lowest file size.

Skills practised
  • File formats
  • Image quality
  • Image size
  1. With the Car smaller file open, display the FILE menu, highlight EXPORT and select EXPORT AS. Earlier versions of Photoshop have SAVE FOR WEB in the FILE menu.
  2. Set the ZOOM at the bottom left of the window to 200% so that the car can be clearly seen and scroll so that most of the car is visible.
  3. The file was saved as a PNG file, so those settings are displayed. The FILE SIZE of the image is displayed in the FILE name at the left of the dialogue box and it is about 150K. This is a little larger than you would want on a webpage that has a few images.
  4. Try changing the FORMAT to JPG and the QUALITY to 70%. This reduces the file size to about 15 K.
  5. Another way to reduce the file size is to reduce the size of the image. Reduce the WIDTH to 300 px and the HEIGHT will be reduce accordingly.
  6. Increase the QUALITY to 85% and the file size should still be around 10 K.
    Note: JPG files have a white background and this is sometimes not desired on a website.
  7. Try some of the other formats and select the one you think provides the best quality at the lowest file size.
  8. Click on the EXPORT button and save the file in your storage folder as: Car reduced.
Video 6.3 Saving files for the web (02:32)