Your task for this project is to create a collage of a series of photos on a topic of your choice. Some examples of the topic might be: My family; My favourite car; My autobiography; My school; My favourite pop group; My favourite country.

Collecting the data

Have your topic approved by your teacher and collect or take photos related to the topic. A maximum of six photos should suffice.

Defining the solution

Draw a mock-up (or layout) sketch on paper of the collage you are going to create. Include on the sketch where each photo will be placed, the text that you are going to include and any other effects that you are going to use. You can select a photo of yourself or a friend and add them to some of the photos. The following diagram can be used as an example.



Use the photo editing program to make any enhancements and repairs to photos you have chosen. Select parts of photos to be added to other photos; for example, you can add yourself or friends to some photos. Add some text, text effects and shapes if you wish to.

Evaluating, collaborating and managing

  1. Ask other people to look at your design and give you feedback on how effective it is. Describe what was said and the changes you made to your design because of their comments.
  2. Indicate what enhancements and adjustments you made to each photo and what Photoshop tools you used. Comment on the effectiveness of these tools.