IT knowledge and skills covered in this module

  • Using Flash animation
  • Animating along a path
  • Fixed point animations
  • Shape tweening
  • Movie clips
  • Publishing animations

Suggested further uses across the curriculum

  • Media Arts (for creating animations). Develop and refine media production skills to integrate and shape the technical and symbolic elements in images, sounds and text for a specific purpose, meaning and style (ACAMAM075).
  • English (for creating animations). Create sustained texts, including texts that combine specific digital or media content, for imaginative, informative, or persuasive purposes that reflect upon challenging and complex issues (ACELY1756).

Alignment with the Australian Curriculum

ICT Capability elements covered
  • Investigating with ICT
    • define and plan information searches
  • Creating with ICT
  • Communicating with ICT
    • collaborate, share and exchange
    • understand computer mediated communications
  • Managing and operating ICT
Other general capabilities covered
  • Critical and creative thinking
  • Personal and social capability
Digital Technologies curriculum content in this module
Processes and production skills
  • Analyse and visualise data to create information and address complex problems, and model processes, entities and their relationships using structured data (ACTDIP037)
  • Define and decompose real-world problems precisely, taking into account functional and non-functional requirements and including interviewing stakeholders to identify needs (ACTDIP038)
  • Plan and manage projects using an iterative and collaborative approach, identifying risks and considering safety and sustainability (ACTDIP044)

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