4.9 Publishing animations

You can publish your animations as a Flash (SWF) file or export them as video file in a variety of different formats.

Flash animation exercise 8

Publishing as a SWF file

Skills practised
  • SWF files
  • Video files
  • Exporting files

The instructions in this exercise feature Adobe Flash, but may also be followed step-by-step for Adobe Animate.

Flash animations can be published as a SWF file, which stands for small web format and it indicates that the file has been compressed to its smallest size.

  1. Load your Flash Exercise 4 file of the moon orbiting the Earth.
  2. Display the FILE menu and select PUBLISH.
  3. Open your storage folder outside Flash and you should see two extra Flash Exercise 4 files, a HTML file and a SWF file.
  4. Notice that the SWF file is considerably smaller than the original Flash document.

Publishing as a video file

More recent versions of Flash allow you to export your animations as video files. These can be played on media players, such as QuickTime Player, Windows Media Player and DivX Player. You might want to create video files of your animations because some devices, such as iPads and some browsers, such as Firefox, do not support SWF files.

  1. TS0450.png
    With your Flash Exercise 4 file open, display the FILE menu, highlight EXPORT and select EXPORT VIDEO.
  2. In the EXPORT VIDEO dialogue box you can browse to the folder you want to export the file to then click on EXPORT. It is probably set to your storage folder.
  3. TS0451.png
    Adobe Media Encoder should open with the exported file installed.
  4. You can click on the arrow to the left of the file name to choose the video format you want (H264 is a common format) then click on the green arrow (START QUEUE) to export the video.
  5. Open a media player and try playing the exported files. The animation will just play once.