2.8 Computer errors

There are two main types of errors: program errors and data input errors.

Program errors result in incorrect results that may or may not be noticeable. Program testing will hopefully be rigorous enough to ensure that a program works properly before being let loose on the unsuspecting public.

Data input errors are a result of the data entry operator entering data incorrectly. For humans there is a saying ‘You are what you eat’. For computers, the corresponding saying is ‘Garbage in, garbage out’ or GIGO.

Even if the programs are near perfect, the worth of data processing results relies on the accurate input of data. Accurate data input should lead to accurate information output. For example, a customer pays for a $10 sale with a fifty dollar note. The salesperson can enter the cash tendered as shown below – one with the correct result – the other rubbish.

Input Sale total 10.00 10.00
Input Cash tendered 50.00 5000.00
Display Change required 40.00 4990.00