2.7 Computer crime

Computer crime involves gaining a financial or personal advantage using a computer as a tool. Juniper Research recently predicted that by 2019 breaches of cyber security would cost companies and individuals over 2 trillion dollars globally per year. While computers make everyday activities easier, the advancements in technology also mean that computer crime is easier to commit and harder to detect.

The main types of computer crime are:

  • theft of information
  • malice or damage
  • financial theft
  • falsifying accounts
  • altering information illegally
  • unlawful access to a computer.
  1. Why do you think computer crime is so hard to detect and prosecute?
  2. Research major newspapers for an article on a specific computer crime. Explain what the crime was. Was the perpetrator convicted? Which type of crime does it belong to?
  3. How can you protect yourself and others from computer crime?