2.3 How the digital age impacts society

Computers are now part of most people’s everyday lives in Australia and other westernised countries. Access to the internet is also commonplace. There are many advantages and disadvantages of using the internet. Can you add to the list that follows?


Advantages of using the internet:

  • It provides people with membership to a worldwide library and resource centre.
  • It allows greater communication between all people throughout the world and breaks down geographical and cultural boundaries.
  • It is changing the workplace environment by allowing people to work from home and in remote locations.
  • It provides education, health and commercial services to people anywhere in the world.
  • It allows people who are otherwise isolated from society for whatever reason to interact with society.
  • It provides entertainment and information for millions of people.


Disadvantages of using the internet:

  • It can isolate people from direct social interaction.
  • It promotes the spread of computer viruses and other malware.
  • No controlling body verifies the validity of information or restricts illicit material.
  • Because knowledge is power, it extends the division between the privileged and the underprivileged.
  • It enables opportunities for fraud.
  • The security of information belonging to individuals, businesses or governments may be jeopardised.
World regions Population (2015 est.) Internet users 31/12/2000 Internet users 30/10/2015 Growth in internet users 2000–15 (%) Internet penetration 2015 est. (% pop’n)
Africa 1 158 355 663 4 514 400 313 257 074 6839.1% 27.0%
Asia 3 922 066 987 114 304 000 1 563 208143 1267.6% 38.8%
Europe 820 918 446 106 096 093 604 122 380 474.8% 73.5%
Middle East 223 608 203 3 284 800 115 823 882 3426.1% 49.0%
North America 348 280 154 108 096 800 313 862 863 190.4% 87.9%
Latin America/Caribbean 593 688 638 18 068 919 333 115 908 1743.6% 53.9%
Oceania/Australia 35 903 567 7 620 480 27 100 334 255.6% 72.9%
World total 7 017 846 922 360 985 492 3 270 490 584 806.0% 45.0%
Table 2.1 World population and internet users based on Internet World Stats: Usage and Population Statistics data, www.internetworldstats.com, 2015
  • 9781316601440_1808.jpg
    Distribution of internet penetration by world regions (30 October 2015)
  • Refer to Table 2.1 to answer the following questions.
    1 Name the region with the largest number of internet users.
    2 Name the region with the smallest number of internet users.
    3 Name the region that had the greatest amount of growth of internet users between 2000 and 2015.

Social and ethical practice in IT exercise 5

Advantages and disadvantages of the increased use of digital technology

  1. Add two points to the lists for advantages and disadvantages of using the internet.
  2. Add two points to the lists for advantages and disadvantages of the use of computerised technology.
  3. For each complete list, including your new points, what is the most important point for you?
Distribution of internet penetration by world regions (30 October 2015)