You are to create a story that is an example to others on how to conduct themselves ethically and responsibly in a situation. You can work on this as an individual or you could work in a group. Depending on the tools you have at your disposal you could create a video based on recordings of you and your classmates, if necessary role playing. Or you could create the video using illustrations.

Collecting the data

Decide on what the topic will be. You should discuss this with your teacher and with your group. For example, it could be:

  • What to do if you are being cyberbullied.
  • Protecting your personal information.
  • What intellectual property and copyright are.

What are the main points you want to convey? For examples and inspiration you could watch the eSafety Office’s videos (search for them on Vimeo).

Defining the solution

Create an outline of the message to be conveyed in the video or poster. Will you have just one person or will there be two or more people in the story? Design the scenes or scene of the story. Check that you have included everything necessary. Is your message clear?


Record the scenes based on your script or draw them.

Evaluating, collaborating and managing

  1. Look at the result of your work. Has it worked as you had planned? Can you improve it in any way?
  2. Ask your friends and classmates to look at your video or comic strip and to give you feedback.