1.9 Information processing cycle

Computerised information systems are usually employed to solve a particular problem or opportunity. No matter what the problem is, the method of solving it through the use of a digital networked system is most efficient if a series of steps are followed. These steps are called the information processing cycle. It is a cycle rather than simply a list because the steps are continually being readdressed to further use and refine the system.

Each step is explained below.

The information processing cycle is developed by working out the requirements throughout the cycle so an appropriate solution is produced for the problem or opportunity.

Working out requirements involves the following:

  1. Interviewing stakeholders, the people who are involved in the system.
  2. Identifying the functional requirements such as processing speed, security, calculations.
  3. Identifying the non-functional requirements such as usability, reliability and portability.

Sometimes a complex problem will need to be decomposed into smaller parts to be more easily understood.

Computer awareness exercise 11

The information processing cycle

When a new DVD game is purchased it must be entered into the inventory system.

  1. The list below contains steps involved in entering a new DVD game into the inventory system. The steps are out of order. Sort the steps into the information processing cycle.
    • A new video is purchased and numbered by the operator.
    • The operator saves the database.
    • The operator reads the data that has been input to check it is correct.
    • The operator sorts the DVD list so the new DVD game appears in order on the list of DVDs currently held.
    • The number and details are entered into the database.
    • The operator prints out the new list.
  2. What is missing? Can you add detail to the cycle?
  3. Determine the steps for the following problem:
    Your local tennis club has asked you to create a system that will store details about its members. It must keep the membership list current.