6 Patterns of consumption

Before you start

Main focus

What we consume and where it is produced link places around the world.

Why it’s relevant to us

Over the last 20 years there have been sizeable shifts in patterns of production and consumption. As technology becomes more advanced, there have been changes in what we buy and where it is produced.

Manufacturing is shifting to China and other countries, while industry in developed countries is changing.

Inquiry questions
  • What do we mean by the ‘Industrial Revolution’, ‘industrialism’ and ‘capitalism’?
  • How have traditional centres of production changed?
  • How is technology shifting patterns of production?
Key terms
  • Footloose
  • GDP (Gross Domestic Product)
  • Hi-tech
  • Industrialism
  • Manufactured
  • Outsourcing
  • Transnational companies (or corporations)
  • Venture capitalist

Let’s begin

The city of Pittsburgh was changed by rapid industrialisation and by the challenges it faced after many industries left the area. Technology plays a key role in the changing patterns of production, and Silicon Valley is now an important place. The region of Pudong in China has also changed dramatically through the rise of manufacturing in the region, with significant environmental impacts. The laptop provides an interesting example of the way production and consumption cross national borders.