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A design-driven approach to food skills and solutions for now and the future. Equipping students with the skills they need to thrive both in and out of the classroom and develop an ethical and responsible understanding of food choices for life, this series includes:
Learn more at cambridge.edu.au/foodforlife Print
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The online version of the student text delivers a host of interactive features to enhance the teaching and learning experience of the student text. It is accessed online through Cambridge GO using a unique 16-character code supplied with the Print Textbook, or available for purchase separately as a digital-only option. The Interactive Textbook is available as a four-calendar-year subscription. Your subscription term is defined as follows: if activation occurs between January and July of this year, your subscription concludes on 31 December in four years, inclusive of this year. If activation occurs between August and December of this year, your subscription concludes on 31 December in four years, not including this year. Digital resources are expressly available for personal use only.
1. Managing food production safely We want to give you the opportunity to view sample pages of our titles so it's easier for you to make decisions. Food for Life 7-10 offers an accessible approach to the new Australian Curriculum v9.0 Food specialisations sub-strand and caters for state Food Technology curriculums. The focus on skills development meets students at their point of understanding and offers a design-driven approach to developing food skills for now and the future. Learn more at cambridge.edu.au/foodforlife ALL TITLES IN SERIES: