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Cambridge Science for New South Wales Stages 4&5 provides the opportunity for every student to master essential knowledge and skills while providing the right depth of content to ensure students can succeed at high levels. This exceptional NEW series walks students through the NSW Stage 4 and 5 syllabus content, continually checking and reinforcing their learning while engaging them deeply in each topic.
Learn more at cambridge.edu.au/sciencensw Print
The text delivered in print format.
Offline Textbook available in the interactive textbook
The downloadable offline version of the student text enables students to take notes and bookmark pages. It is downloaded through your account using the same unique 16-character code that is included with the purchase of the Print Textbook and the Interactive Textbook.
Interactive Textbook powered by Cambridge Edjin (2 year access)
The online version of the student text delivers a host of interactive features to enhance the teaching and learning experience, and when connected to a class teacher account offers a powerful Learning Management System. It is accessed online through Cambridge GO using a unique 16-character code provided with the Print Textbook, or available for purchase separately as a digital-only option.
The Interactive Textbook is available as a two-calendar-year subscription. Your subscription term is defined as follows: if activation occurs between January and July of this year, subscription concludes on 31 December in the following year. If activation occurs between August and December of this year, subscription concludes on 31 December in the year after the following. We want to give you the opportunity to view sample pages of our titles so it's easier for you to make decisions. Cambridge Science for New South Wales Stages 4&5 provides the opportunity for every student to master essential knowledge and skills while providing the right depth of content to ensure students can succeed at high levels. This exceptional NEW series walks students through the NSW Stage 4 and 5 syllabus content, continually checking and reinforcing their learning while engaging them deeply in each topic. Learn more at cambridge.edu.au/sciencensw ALL TITLES IN SERIES: