The coursebook provides clear explanations and practice exercises to help students master maths skills. This edition has a subscription to the Pure Mathematics 2 & 3 Cambridge Online Mathematics component. With all of the materials found within the coursebook, including answers, Cambridge Online Mathematics offers students the facility to demonstrate their working, as well as opportunities for self-assessment, and allows teachers to set classroom and homework exercises to individual students or classes, with the ability to track progress. The online resource requires internet access. For more information on how to use Cambridge Online Mathematics, please see inside the front cover.
1. Algebra
2. Logarithmic and exponential functions
3. Trigonometry
Cross-topic review exercise 1
4. Differentiation
5. Integration
6. Numerical solutions of equations
Cross-topic review exercise 2
7. Further algebra
8. Further calculus
Cross-topic review exercise 3
9. Vectors
10. Differential equations
11. Complex numbers
Cross-topic review exercise 4
Pure Mathematics 2 Practice Exam Style Paper
Pure Mathematics 3 Practice Exam Style Paper