Prepare your students for QCE success with the very best revision and exam preparation support available for Queensland.
Cambridge Checkpoints QCE study guides are written by highly experienced Queensland teachers, including curriculum developers and examination review panel members, making these guides essential preparation tools for students’ summative external assessment.
The new Cambridge Checkpoints QCE study guides are the ideal companion to textbook resources and the perfect year-round study tool to guide students towards success in their QCE. They provide essential revision and exam preparation support to equip your students with the skills, knowledge and confidence they need, including:
- an overview of the entire Year 11 and Year 12 syllabus, supported by summaries and maps where relevant, as well as assessment-related activities
- a focus on understanding concepts and consolidating the key knowledge and skills required for the summative external assessment
- guidance on revision in preparation for examinations
- advice on how to approach the summative external assessment
- practice summative external assessment-type questions with worked solutions or annotated responses
All titles also include access to Cambridge Digital Checkpoints QCE to help you prepare for your exams anytime and anywhere with:
- an online, interactive and responsive version of the Checkpoints study guide;
- auto-marked multiple-choice questions and other self-marking questions;
- supporting videos.
Unit 1 Investigating the Ancient World Topics 2, 3, 4, 6 & 7 Slavery, Art and architecture, Weapons and warfare, Family, Beliefs, rituals and funerary practices Topics 6 & 7 The family, and Beliefs, rituals and funerary practices Unit 2 Personalities in their times Topic 1 Hatshepsut Topic 4 Perikles Topic 7 Cleopatra Topic 8 Agrippina the Younger Unit 3 Reconstructing the Ancient World Topic 3 Assyria from Tiglath Pileser III to the fall of the Empire Topic 5 Philip II and Alexander III of Macedon Topic 9 The ‘Fall’ of the Western Roman Empire Topic 10 The Medieval Crusades Unit 4 People, power and authority Topic 1 Egypt – New Kingdom Imperialism Topic 2 Greece – the Persian Wars Topic 3 Greece – the Peloponnesian War Topic 4 Rome – the Punic Wars Topic 5 Rome – Civil War and the breakdown of the Republic Topic 12 Augustus 2021 Ancient History External assessment 2021 Ancient History External assessment marking guide
Prepare your students for QCE success with the very best revision and exam preparation support available for Queensland.
Cambridge Checkpoints QCE study guides are written by highly experienced Queensland teachers, including curriculum developers and examination review panel members, making these guides essential preparation tools for students’ summative external assessment.
ISBN 9781009232616
ISBN 9781009232623
ISBN 9781009232647
ISBN 9781009232715
ISBN 9781009232722
ISBN 9781009232746
ISBN 9781009236546
ISBN 9781009236614
ISBN 9781009236621
ISBN 9781009236683
ISBN 9781009236805
ISBN 9781009232753
ISBN 9781009232760
ISBN 9781009239103
ISBN 9781009239165
ISBN 9781009232777
ISBN 9781009232784
ISBN 9781009236874
ISBN 9781009232791
ISBN 9781009232807
Alan Barrie
As a student, Alan Barrie achieved 1st class honours, an MPhil in Medieval History at Cambridge University, before completing his PhD through UQ. A teacher of history and ancient history in Queensland for 21 years, he also in that time has been Chief Examiner, Panel member, resource and syllabus writer for QCAA, and was the lead author of the Cambridge University Press textbook for Ancient History in Queensland. He has presented in numerous conferences across Australia.
Aaron Sloper
Aaron Sloper is Head of Humanities (Acting) at Cannon Hill Anglican College, a co-educational P-12 College in Brisbane. After initially studying Law and Psychology, Aaron graduated in Secondary Education from the University of Queensland in 2009. Since then then he has taught Secondary English, Psychology, Geography, Ancient History and Modern History, serving as a QCAA endorser, confirmer and external marker in these areas. He has experience lecturing and tutoring in the tertiary sector, and is certified as a Highly Accomplished Teacher by the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL). Aaron is passionate about seeing students develop a deep critical awareness of the world around them through the study of history.