UPDATES to CambridgeMATHS Stage 6 Mathematics Advanced Year 11
Cambridge is committed to publishing up-to-date and relevant resources.
Following clarification from NESA on a range of syllabus points, the authors of CambridgeMATHS Mathematics Advanced Year 11 have increased the coverage of subtopics in the Year 11 textbook as outlined below. All Year 11 syllabus dotpoints are included in the Year 11 textbook.
- Continuum and intervals has been added to 2B Real numbers and approximations.
- Sketching a cubic has been added to 3G Powers, polynomials and circles and 4A Translations of known graphs.
- A new section 3I Four types of relations has been added to Chapter 3.
- |ax + b| has been added to 4D Absolute value function.
- A new section 4E Composite functions has been added to Chapter 4.
- ‘Families of functions with the same derivative’ has been added to 8D Tangents and normals − dy/dx notation.
- You can view an updated Table of Contents, Rationale, Curriculum grid and Teaching program here.
Updates to the CambridgeMATHS Mathematics Extension 1 textbook will be communicated directly and any further changes will be made to the digital material for each course.