


Keep in step with the ever-changing world of IT – and your students

23 MARCH 2017
Keeping today’s students engaged at school requires using a significant component of digital technology.



With a large proportion of Australian kids owning multiple devices from which they have learnt a dizzying amount of skills and applications, it is incumbent on teachers to ensure they keep up with their students’ skills and interests in order to keep them engaged in their learning.

Can you do all of the following:

  • Trim and split a movie and add an audio track? 
  • Apply a gradient fill to a photograph? 
  • Use the IF function in excel? 
  • Create an animation along a set path? 
  • Create your own website? 
  • Use the Spot Healing Brush or change eye colour on a photograph? 
  • Create a print-quality booklet? 
  • Create a test using algorithms and programming? 

Chances are some students can do many of these things and more. Today’s students may have seen the potential for enhancing their learning with these technologies and with uncertainty around what career paths will be available to them, they will have to arm themselves with a wide range of digital-based skills. To help them effectively navigate this changing landscape, you and your students need to have a strong grasp of the basics of a range of software packages. Equip yourself with a solid understanding of what is available with Practice IT for the Australian Curriculum.

Practice IT for the Australian Curriculum is written for both the Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies syllabus as well as general ICT capability. Split into 2 books covering years 7-8 and 9-10, you and your students will learn basic skills from a variety of software packages. The interactive textbook provides a full range of exercises and easy-to-follow modules that allow for development and practice of IT skills and enhances capability across a range of subject areas.



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