Success in Professional Experience

Welcome to the Success in Professional Experience website.


Instructor resources

Note: These resources are available to adopters of the book, and require a username and password. Please contact Cambridge University Press if you require a password, and provide details of course, semester and enrolment as well as your name, university and position. If you do not wish to be added to our contacts database and receive email marketing, please state this in your email.


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Student resources

The student resources below are available to users of the book and require a username and password.

This material is the content indicated by the web icons in the book.


You can navigate to a specific chapter using the following links:



Chapter 1: Introduction

AITSL resources


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Chapter 2: Ethical considerations

State codes – Activity 2.1

State or territory Code of Ethics or Code of Conduct
Australia wide Code of Ethics for early childhood educators
Australian Capital Territory Code of Professional Practice
New South Wales Code of Conduct and Statement of Ethics
Northern Territory Code of Ethics
Queensland Code of Ethics and accompanying guideline on professional boundaries
South Australia Code of Ethics
Tasmania Code of Ethics
Victoria Code of Conduct, which incorporates a Code of Ethics
Western Australia Code of Conduct


Professional Boundaries – Activity 2.2

Victorian Institute of Teaching – Activity 2.3

AEU networks – Activity 2.4

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Chapter 3: Expectations

State registering bodies

State Body
Australian Capital Territory ACT Teacher Quality Institute (TQI)
New South Wales NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA)
Northern Territory Teacher Registration Board of the Northern Territory
Queensland Queensland College of Teachers
South Australia Teachers Registration Board of South Australia
Tasmania Teachers Registration Board Tasmania
Victoria Victorian Institute of Teaching
Western Australia Teacher Registration Board of Western Australia


Queensland Professional Experience Reporting Framework – Activity 3.7

TEMAG resources – Activity 3.8

GTPA – Activity 3.10

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Chapter 4: Observations

Looking at Classroom Practice – Activity 4.1

APST – Activity 4.2

Lesson observation notes – Activity 4.5

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Chapter 5: Planning for successful learning

State curriculum documents

Details of the curriculum in each state and territory can be found at the following sites.

Edutopia – Activity 5.3

Sample planning templates – Box 5.4 and 5.5

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Chapter 6: Assessing for successful learning

Victorian Department of Education – Activity 6.1

Dylan Wiliam Center – Activity 6.3

GTPA – Activity 6.5

McGill University checklist – Activity 6.7

Geoff Masters – Activity 6.9

Assessment: Feedback to Promote Student Learning – Activity 6.10

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Chapter 7: Classroom management

Restorative practice – Activity 7.4

SWPBS – Activity 7.5

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Chapter 8: Mentoring and reflective practice

AITSL training program – Activity 8.7

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Chapter 9: Portfolios and reflective practice

AITSL app – Activity 9.1

Moran et al. ePortfolio article – Activity 9.3

Barrett ePortfolio article – Activity 9.4

Evidence Guide – Activity 9.5

Emergent Teacher Professionalism – Activity 9.6


ePortfolio platforms – Table 9.1

Name of platform Benefits
EDUFOLIOS No free version
User friendly
Links directly with APST
Weebly Has a free version User-friendly
Range of easy access options, including ‘drag and drop’
Wix Similar to Weebly
Free version
Range of options including ‘drag and drop’
(See also this demonstration video)
PebblePad No free version
High level of functionality
Mahara Many universities offer this platform for free with privacy and sharing capabilities
Has functionality with Moodle (Mahoodle)
Not as user-friendly as other platforms


ePortfolio case study – Activity 9.7

Example ePortfolio

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Chapter 10: Building relationships for working with Indigenous students

Indigenous disadvantage reports – Activity 10.1

Indigenous communities – Activity 10.3

AIATSIS – Activity 10.4

Government Indigenous education resources – Activity 10.5

State/Territory Departmental resource
Australian Capital Territory Education Directorate – 'Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education'
New South Wales Department of Education – 'Aboriginal education and communities'
Northern Territory Department of Education – 'Indigenous education review'
and 'Indigenous Education Strategy'
Queensland Department of Education and Training – 'Indigenous portal'
South Australia 'Aboriginal education'
Tasmania Department of Education – 'Support for Aboriginal students in Tasmanian Government schools'
Victoria Department of Education and Training – 'Supporting Aboriginal Children and Their Families'
Western Australia Department of Education – 'Aboriginal education'


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Chapter 11: Building relationships for working with highly able and gifted students

GERRIC Professional Development Package for Teachers – Activities 11.1, 11.2, 11.4, 11.5 and 11.11


Gagné’s model in the Australian Curriculum

Hoagies’ Gifted Education Page – Activity 11.3

Raven’s Progressive Matrices

Inquiry into gifted education

Gifted underachievers checklist – Activity 11.6

Dual Exceptionality – Activity 11.8

Acceleration of Gifted Students Procedures – Activity 11.9

Accelerated learning options – Activity 11.10

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Chapter 12: Pre-service teachers from a non-English-speaking background

ATRA – Activity 12.3

University of Tasmania – Activity 12.5

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Appendix: Australian Professional Standards for Teachers

Complete APST

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