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Student resources
The student resources below are available to users of the book and require a username and password.
- The username is: assessment
- The password can be found in Chapter 7 of the book, and is the first bold word under the heading 'Adrenaline administration using an Epipen' (page 138 of the print book).
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Supplementary material
This PDF download contains the additional material for Chapters 10 and 11, linked to the margin icons in the textbook.
Chapter 10, page 189 – Figure 10.7
Web links
Communication Skills
The Period of Purple Crying
Adults are hard-wired to respond to the cry of an infant. Responding to infant cues is essential for their normal growth and development. This website provides valuable information about infant crying patterns that helps caregivers to understand the communication needs of infants. -
Clinical Handover Procedures: New South Wales / Victoria
Growing evidence for the benefits of clinical handover at the bedside has led to the development and implementation of hospital policies and procedures for including clinicians, parents and families in bedside handover. Review these policies from New South Wales and Victoria and compare them with the policy at your workplace. Reflect on whether and how these policies are implemented in your workplace.
Protecting children
Healthy Start
Healthy Start is a national capacity-building strategy that aims to improve health and wellbeing outcomes for children whose parents have learning difficulties. -
Raising Children Network -– the Australian Parenting Website
Provides evidence-based content and resources about raising children, from pregnancy to the teenage years. -
National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (NAPCAN)
Since 1987, NAPCAN has been engaged in raising awareness about the impact of child abuse and neglect in Australia. The association develops and promotes prevention strategies and programs to contribute to the safety and wellbeing of children and young people. -
International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect
This international organisation works with professionals across the globe to raise public awareness about violence against children and to develop strategies and activities to protect children against abuse, neglect and exploitation. -
Child Family Community Australia (CFCA)
CFCA provides a range of evidence-based information and resources to support professionals working in the child, family and community welfare sectors. -
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) Child Protection
This government website provides access to data, resources and agency contact information relating to child protection matters in Australia. -
Beyondblue works with individuals, institutions and communities to raise awareness of depression, anxiety, suicide prevention and to implement a range of programs to promote and support good mental health.
Assessment skills
AIDET® Communication framework
The AIDET communication framework is helpful when approaching communication with the parent and child prior to conducting physical assessment. -
WHO Child Growth Standards
In Australia, the WHO growth charts are the standard growth reference used for children aged 0–2 years. -
Normal Ranges for Physiological Variables
When performing physical assessment, it is important to familiarise yourself with normal parameters for physiological variables in infants and children. For further information, you can also refer to the ‘Recognising and Responding to the Sick Child’ chapter in the companion text, Paediatric Nursing in Australia: Principles for Practice (Forster & Scaini, 2017). -
Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status
The Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status is a ten-item questionnaire that can be completed by parents and then discussed with the nurse to collaboratively identify, discuss and interpret parent findings. -
Red Flags Early Identification Guide
The Red Flags Early Identification Guide is a useful resource for the paediatric and child health nurse to help identify developmental concerns in the following areas: social emotional; communication; cognition; fine motor; and self-care and gross motor function.
Mental health nursing skills
International Society for Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurses (ISPN)
The ISPN is a global initiative that aims to support advanced practice psychiatric and mental health nurses by establishing a community to discuss policy, research and funding. -
Children’s Mental Health Disorders – a Journey for Parents and Children
This video provides an opportunity to consider children’s mental health problems from the perspective of parents. Parents are integral to the success of children’s mental health plans, and it is important to understand their concerns about and hopes for their child. Parents understand the importance of early intervention and provide insight into barriers that exist to prevention and early intervention efforts. -
Understanding School Refusal
This Australian video is an introduction to the common experience of school refusal. It explains what is usual or expected behaviour and when to be concerned. The deleterious effects of school refusal underscore the importance of seeking early help for this behaviour. -
BAPT: Play Therapy in Action
Students are exposed to play therapy in these videos. -
Art Therapy Activities
Similar to play therapy, art therapy can be used as a way to help children communicate feelings and emotions.
Don't Forget the Bubbles: Below The Stormy Surface – Adolescent Inpatient Psychiatry, Part 1
This blog introduces three important theories underpinning contemporary in-patient psychiatric care for young people. -
Headspace and KidsMatterAustralia
These important Australian initiatives are helping to provide access to mental health services for children, young people and their families.
Adolescent nursing skills
Age of Consent Laws
A 2016 Australian Institute of Family Studies fact sheet for practitioners and researchers about Australian age of consent legislation. -
Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect
A 2016 Australian Institute of Family Studies factsheet about the Australia legal provisions for mandatory reporting of suspected child abuse and neglect. -
Face the Facts Briefing: Young Australians and Sexual Health
A 2014 Australian Clearinghouse for Youth Studies briefing paper providing an overview of current knowledge about STI rates and transmission among young adults; examines strategies for reducing their prevalence. -
Headspace Clinical Toolkit
The Headspace 2017 Clinical Toolkit provides a range of resources and tools to assist service providers with recognising and treating common mental health issues. -
Substance Use and Young People Framework
This 2014 report from the NSW Ministry of Health provides a framework for professionals working with young people with substance use concerns. The framework provides information about policy, statistics and service provision.
Wound and skin care
National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP)
A US professional organisation advising on the prevention, treatment and management of pressure injuries. -
Australian Commission for Safety and Quality in Healthcare (ACSQH)
Website of the Australian Commission for Safety and Quality in Healthcare, a Commonwealth entity established to lead and coordinate national improvements in safety and quality in healthcare. -
Australian Society for Allergy and Immunology (ASCIA)
ASCIA is the peak professional body of clinical immunology in Australia and New Zealand. A range of resources, publications and other information about ASCIA’s initiative can be found on this website. -
Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet
This internet resource, developed by Edith Cowan University, provides information about policy and practice in the area of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health. -
Up to Date: Pediatric Infectious Disease
This evidence-based, physician-author clinical database collates up-to-date information form physicians, editors and peer reviewers to inform best practice in patient care. -
Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne: Clinical Guideline – Wound Care in Children
This resource from The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne provides guidelines for treating children with skin disorders, breakdowns and wounds. -
Life in the Fast Lane – Perilous Pinhead Polka-dots
Life in the Fast Lane is a medical blog developed by physicians from Australia and New Zealand. This blog post outlines a case of an infant with petechial rash and describes diagnosis and management with accompanying pictures. -
BC Open Textbooks: Anatomy and Physiology: Chapter 5 – The Integumentary System
This chapter discusses the integumentary system, which refers to the skin and its accessory structures. The full text has been made freely available via OpenStax publishing, as part of the BC Open Textbook project. -
Physical Exam Essentials
Contains a segment on the assessment of skin, hair and nails. Physical Exam Essentials is an example of a current application available on Android or for Apple devices (AU$2.81, 2017).
Respiratory nursing skills
Medical Equipment and Gases Australia website has an oxygen usage calculator which assists in calculating the time to deplete an oxygen cylinder at a specified flow rate.