To add a new note, highlight text first, then click on the icon that appears.
A web browser such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Safari. For best results we recommend you use Chrome. We do not currently recommend the use of Internet Explorer.
Use the left-side navigation to go to a particular section of the book. You can click/tap on the green arrows to reveal the nested content.
To go through the pages sequentially, use the Next and Prev buttons at the bottom of the content window:
You can bookmark any page of the book.
To add a bookmark to the current page:
To go to a previously bookmarked page:
You can annotate the book with highlighting and text notes.
To add a highlight and note:
The highlight will be visible any time you look at the page. To view or edit the attached note:
To see a list of all notes and highlighted text on a page:
You can use the search field in the top menu bar to search for annotations and book content.
When typing your search term into the search field please note that a minimum of three letters is required to show a list of suggestions.
You can change the size of the text by clicking on the plus and minus buttons in the top menu bar:
Zip files such as Word activities on the Cambridge GO website can be accessed on your iOS or Android device with an app such as WinZip or iZip, available for free from your app store.
Please see our help page on Cambridge Go to see solutions to common issues.