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Case studies
Each document contains a case study to expand on the chapter’s topic, accompanied by critical thinking questions with suggested responses.
Part 1: Theories of International Relations
- Chapter 1 International Relations theory in an age of critical diversity
- Jim George Theory in practices: The China/US conundrum in Australian foreign policy
- Chapter 2 Liberalism
- Jim George Neoliberal globalisation: Tensions of 'liberal' theory in practice
- Chapter 3 Realism
- Allan Layug Power politics and the US rebalance in the Indo-Pacific
- Chapter 5 Feminism
- Penny Griffin Challenging gender(ed) inequalities in Australia
- Chapter 7 Constructivism
- Nicholas Morrieson Religion and identity in the politics of the Netherlands
Part 2: International history
- Chapter 9 From the Great War to World War II
- Peter Grace John Maynard Keynes and the consequences of Versailles
- Chapter 10 The Cold War and after
- Robert G. Patman Somalia: From Cold War linchpin to post-Cold War failed state
Part 3: The traditional agenda: States, war and law
- Chapter 12 Nations and nationalism
- Wayne Cristaudo Nationalism, pan-Islamism and the Middle East
- Chapter 13 Security
- Jessica Genauer Israel’s separation barrier: Security fence or apartheid wall?
- Rebecca Shaw Private military and security companies and the provision of security
- Chapter 14 Arms control
- James Dwyer A nuclear North Korea and the limits of the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
- Chapter 15 The causes of war
- Shannon Zimmerman 2012 Tuareg Rebellion in Mali
- Chapter 16 The changing character of warfare
- Charles Miller Casualty sensitivity and the changing character of warfare
- Chapter 17 The ethics and laws of war
- Alex Edney-Browne 'Uruzgan Helicopter Attack', Daikundi, Afghanistan 2010
- and Thomas Gregory
- Chapter 18 The causes of war
- Emily Camins and Australian troops in Afghanistan
- Fiona McGaughey
- Chapter 19 The globalisation of international society
- Shelley Torcetti Globalisation and irregular migration in an Australian context
- Chapter 20 Diplomacy
- Anna Hayes Diplomacy, ambassadors and bilateral tensions
- Chapter 21 Great powers
- Ryan Smith Australia’s regional and global interests and renewed great power rivalry
Part 4: The new agenda: Globalisation and global governance
- Chapter 22 The United Nations
- John Rees Australia’s role on the UN Security Council
- Chapter 23 Non-sate actors: Multinational corporations and international non-governmental organisations
- John Rees The power of Australian mining multinational corporations
- Chapter 24 Religion and secularism
- John Rees The Asia-Pacific regional interfaith dialogue: A 'secular settlement'?
- Chapter 25 Global economic institutions
- John Rees Global and regional: Australian support for international development assistance mechanisms
- Chapter 26 Global trade and finance
- George Karavas The politics of global finance: Food security, debt and investment in Australian agriculture
- Chapter 27 Global poverty, inequality and development
- John Rees Australia and the Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDGs)
- Chapter 28 Globalisation and its critics
- John Rees Sino-Australia relations and global implications
- Chapter 29 Terrorism
- John Rees Countering violent extremism in Australia – Have we got ‘religion’ right?
- Chapter 30 Post-conflict state-building
- John Rees The Australian Federal Police International Deployment Group
- Chapter 31 Humanitarianism and armed intervention
- John Rees An interview with Dr Simon Adams, Executive Director of the Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect, New York City, US
- Chapter 32 Human rights
- John Rees Constitutional reform and the rights of indigenous peoples in Australia
- Chapter 33 Migration and refugees
- John Rees Australia, asylum seekers and regional offshore processing centres
- Chapter 34 Global environmental politics
- Ella Plumanns Pouton The High Ambition Coalition at Paris COP21
- and Robyn Eckersley
- Chapter 35 Climate Change
- Maria Tanyag Mainstreaming gender in the Green Climate Fund